How to Treat Turf Burn

How to Treat Turf Burn

What Is turf burn

Turf burn is a painful abrasion that may occur while playing sports on artificial turf or grass. The contact of the turf against exposed flesh produces red abrasions when someone falls hard on the turf.

Turf burn is a kind of damage caused by friction instead of heat. Friction may cause skin layers to peel away, possibly resulting in an open wound. Depending on how you fall, turf burn may cover a big or small region of your skin. These abrasions are sometimes very painful and may result in further problems. It is critical to understand the signs of turf burn as well as how to treat and prevent it.

Tips to Prevent Turf Burn

To avoid re-injuring the turf burn area, follow these steps: Avoid participating in sports until you have fully healed from turf burn. Cover the wound with bandages that provide plenty of protection. If you sustain a turf burn injury, it’s likely to happen on joints like elbows, knees, ankles, and wrists; furthermore, it’s possible to injure your forearms, palms, chests, and other easily exposed areas. Wearing protective gear, such as long sleeved shirts, may help mitigate the severity of a turf burn. Immediate attention to the injuries will help prevent the development of a serious infection.

Hands can be protected by wearing the appropriate athletic gloves. When uniform restrictions or other reasons prevent you from wearing long sleeved clothing, you may choose to invest in protective body pads, knee-high socks to protect your lower legs, or second-skin covers that are becoming more readily accessible.

Body Glide® Is a great way to protect exposed skin from Turf Burn. It stops trouble before it starts. The balm forms a dry, invisible barrier to protect your skin, effective wherever skin is rubbed by clothing, turf, and bandages. Intended as a barrier to the effects of rubbing, its formulation makes it easy to apply for all-day protection from skin on skin rubbing, chafing from clothing, or sliding and falling on turf causing turf burn.

Turf Burn Treatment

The following actions may be used for turf burn treatment:

If the wound is bleeding, tightly compress it with a clean bandage or cloth until the bleeding stops.

If available, clean the wound with a saline solution or water. Keep the wound completely dry by patting it dry with a clean towel. It is critical to remove all dirt and debris to avoid infection, even if it is very uncomfortable.

Apply antibacterial cream to the affected area to avoid infection. Useful as an alternative if antibiotic ointment is not available: Aloe vera is a good option. Aloe vera is soothing to the skin and prevents germs from entering. If topical ointment or aloe vera is too painful, just cover the area with a clean, dry bandage until the discomfort subsides.

Wrap the wound with a medical dressing made of a nonstick material. Body Glide® is a great option to form a protective barrier between the affected area and anything that could damage it further, including the bandage itself.

Apply a breathable cotton bandage on top of the dressing. The bandage will assist in maintaining the dressing’s position.

Can Turf Burn Cause Infection?

Turf burn provides an entry point for germs such as staph. If a turf burn gets infected, it may result in the formation of weepy sores, which will transmit the germs to other regions of the body, particularly those with open wounds. If you ignore the warnings and leave the turf burn wound untreated, you risk developing bone or bloodstream infections, as well as pneumonia. Although you may not be able to prevent a turf burn, it is critical that the area be treated and mended quickly. Your skin’s protective abilities will improve if you pay attention to the wound and treat it. Additionally, it helps to minimize long-term scarring.

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